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Infoseminar for HEIs in Jizzakh

Infoseminar for HEIs in Jizzakh

In the frame of the Erasmus+ Information Campaign for 2017 that have started in June this year, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute (http://jspi.uz/) hosted its first information seminar. Professors, teachers and administrative personnel, as well as the students of two universities in Jizzakh city took part in the seminar. The Rector of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute Prof. Kholbekov Abdugani Jumanazarovich welcomed participants of the seminar stating the importance of strengthening the international relations in the process of modernisation of higher educational institutions. The seminar participants heard out with a great interest the presentations of the NEO staff (download Infoseminar, National and Regional Priorities and CBHE, EMJMD, ICM, Jean Monnet) and two members of the national team of experts (HEREs) Prof. Marat Alimovich Rakhmatullaev (download) and Zebokhon Isakova (download).

Lively discussion demonstrated the interest for participation in a new Erasmus+ Programme Call, particularly the presentations (download HIGHVEC-ENGITEC) of ongoing Tempus and Erasmus+ project members from Jizzakh Politechnical Institute (ENGITECHMACH,  HIGHVEC) raised many questions.

The seminar participants are eager to contact all higher educational institutions in the country with the proposal for partnership in the frame of Erasmus+ and with the concrete project ideas. Many of them have expressed their hope that in the new call the efforts to include Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute in future partnership projects with European Universities will be successful.