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New Publication: COVID-19 and Learning Mobility: A Desk Research Study

New Publication: COVID-19 and Learning Mobility: A Desk Research Study

New Publication

COVID-19 and Learning Mobility: A Desk Research Study by Ewa Krzaklewska, PhD and Özgehan Şenyuva, PhD just been published. 

What has been the impact of  the COVID-19 pandemic on young people's  international mobility within formal and non-formal education?  What are some of :link: the main implications of pandemic for the present and :crystal_ball: future of youth work and learning mobility, but also for young people’s development, identity, intercultural learning, diversity and inclusion, mental health and wellbeing and  economic stability within the context of mobility programmes?  Is it time to reevaluate and rethink the intensive youth mobility? 
Find out more, read the publication here  https://bit.ly/36k4dYv