Info session on Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education - How to successfully complete and finalise a project proposal (22/01/2018)
As part of the Erasmus+ Information Campaign EACEA is organising a web-streamed info session on "How to successfully complete and finalise a project proposal" for the 2018 Call for proposals for Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education.
The event is intended for people who are preparing or involved in a project proposal under the 2018 Call for Proposals and might still have questions or doubts regarding their application.
The web-streaming will take place on 22/01/2018 at 10.00 (Brussels time) and will last around 2 hours. Please find all the relevant information at the following link:
We would kindly invite you to disseminate this information to all the applicants who contacted you.
The info-session will be recorded and published on the Agency's website.