The final event of the Erasmus+ CBHE project "IMEP: Internationalization and Modernization of Education and Processes in the Higher Education of Uzbekistan
On 10 September 2018 the final event of the Erasmus+ CBHE project "IMEP: Internationalization and Modernization of Education and Processes in the Higher Education of Uzbekistan" has been organised at Head Scientific Methodological Centre under Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education in participation of EU and Uzbekistan partners. During the event the national coordinator of the project Prof. Uzokboy Begimkulov, deputy minister of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education and Prof. Velta Lubkina, professor of Rezekne Academy of Technologies made presentations on the project and its results.
It should be noted that the participants of the event benefited detailed presentations of the project and received published materials like ‘IMEP Guidelines’ ( and Student's contest materials ( The latter shows closely involvement of students in the CBHE project and can be considered as a best practice.
More information about the project and its results can be found on