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2 Call-2016


Selected CBHE projects (Capacity Building in Higher Education) with involvement of HEIs of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2-Call, 2016)

22 HEIs, including 6 HEIs from Tashkent and 16 HEIs from 10 regions of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Karakalpakhstan, as well as 23 HEIs from 15 member-states of the European Union will be participating in 7  projects for Uzbekistan.

The list of projects with the information on the composition of project consortiums, periods and approved budget

MAGNET: University as a key partner of NETwork for vocational educational training centers of Middle Age Generation in Uzbekistan

RENES: Development of Master Programme in Renewable Energy Sources and Sustainable Environment

UZDOC 2.0: Furthering the Quality of Doctoral Education at Higher Education Institutions in Uzbekistan

GREB: Modernization of the Curricula in sphere of smart building engineering - Green Building

RUECVET: Piloting ECVET to the national VET system of Russia and Uzbekistan

PAWER: Paving the way to interregional mobility and ensuring relevance, quality and equity of access

SPHERA: Supporting the Professionalization of Health Engineering studies and Related areas in Asia