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Application of credit-module system and ECTS in Higher Education

Application of credit-module system and ECTS in Higher Education

Seminar on the “Application of credit-module system and ECTS in Higher Education: main approaches and challenges”

October 27, 2015 – Seminar of Erasmus+ programme on the “Application of credit-module system and ECTS in Higher Education: main approaches and challenges” has been conducted in Tashkent State University of Economy. More than 70 people representing 44 HEIs, MHSSE, NCU, as well as the National Expert Team in Higher Education participated in the seminar.

Participants were welcomed by the Head of Department on Cooperation of the EU Delegation in Uzbekistan Mr. Ovidiu Mic, Head of Department on the Coordination of Scientific and Research Activities of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Janpolat Kudaybergenov and the Rector of Tashkent State University of Economy Professor Mahmud Boltabaev.

During the seminar Professor Luc Francois as well as the national experts and coordinators of Tempus projects presented their presentations on the credit-module system and ECTS.

More detailed information could be found in the programme (RU, UZ, EN) and the following presentations:

  • Introducing learning outcomes in a programme (EN), Luc Francois (EU expert) 
  • Consequences for teaching, learning and evaluating (EN), Luc Francois (EU expert)
  • Latest developments of Erasmus +  and Tempus activities in Uzbekistan (EN), Kudratkhon Bakhadirov (NEO) 
  • New ECTS User`s guide (EN), Luc Francois (EU expert) 
  • Problems and decisions of adaptation of credit modular system for Uzbekistan (RU), prof. Marat Rakhmatullaev, HEREs
  • Degree programme developed in the framework of Tempus Curricula Reform Joint project SAMUZ (EN), Farkhod Akhrorov (SamAI)
  • Компетенциягаасосланганишчидастурдапедагогикстратегия, ўкувюкламасивабахолашусуллариниишлабчикиш (UZ), Zebokhon Isakova, HEREs 
  • Tuning methodology applied within Tempus Structural project TUCAHEA (RU), Elzara Yuzlikaeva (TSPU)