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Erasmus+ Annual Meeting of the National Team of Higher Education Reforms Experts

Erasmus+ Annual Meeting of the National Team of Higher Education Reforms Experts

Tashkent State Economic University hosted the annual conference of the Erasmus+ National Team of Higher Education Reforms Experts. At this event, the results of European trainings and recommendations were presented taking into account the ongoing reforms in the country's higher education system and the role of Erasmus+ Programme to achieve the goals of the Higher Education Concept until 2030.

The head of the Delegation of the European Union, Ambassador Eduards Stiprais and the head of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, Bahrom Ismailov, noted the need for a targeted use of expert knowledge in improving and developing higher education system.


1. Impact of the Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan.

2. Activities of the HEREs' Team in support of innovative development of higher education in Uzbekistan.

3. University 3.0 - Implementation of Strategy 2030 on the example of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

4. European experience in improving doctoral education.

5. Education Quality Assurance: Key Quality Indicators.