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FM meeting with NICOPA

FM meeting with NICOPA

Erasmus+ project New and Innovative Courses for Precision Agriculture (NICOPA) (2018-2021)

The online field monitoring meeting with the project teams of Erasmus+ CBHE NICOPA took place on 9 October 2020. The regional project involving universities of Germany, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan is aimed on modernization and internationalisation of BA/MSc studies in precision agriculture using new technologies including besides machines Geographic Information System (GIS), big data and remote sensing in targeted universities in Central Asian countries through innovative two cycles curricula in line with the Bologna and principles, market demand and best practice..
The project teams of National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers have already developed majority foreseen courses in precision agriculture together with EU partners. The project website https://www.nicopa.eu/ provides detailed information about the project activities. . 
The information about the project is also available in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.