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Information Day of Erasmus+ in Tashkent

Information Day of Erasmus+ in Tashkent

November 26-27, 2015 – the Information Day of Erasmus+ was held in Tashkent Institute of Finance.

More than 110 people who represented 52 universities, various organizations and institutions, international organizations working in the field of higher education as well as the embassies of member-states of the European Union in Tashkent participated in the Information Day.

Ambassador, the Head of EU Delegation in Uzbekistan Mr. Yuri Sterk, Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mr. Botir Usmanov and the Rector of Tashkent Institute of Finance Professor Aybek Artikov welcomed the participants of the event.

During the Information Day the presentation on the possibility of cooperation in the field of higher education was made by Ms. Dorina Angelescu, the Regional Manager and Head of the Selection Department of the Executive Agency EACEA in Brussels (Belgium).

More detailed information can be found in the programme (RU,UZ,EN) and the following presentations: