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News on ongoing Erasmus+ projects

News on ongoing Erasmus+ projects

Thanks to the direct participation of the Department for the Development of Information and Communication Technologies of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Erasmus+ CBHE project “HIEDTEC: Modernization of the Higher Education in Central Asia with Help of New Technologies” (https://hiedtec.ecs.uni-ruse.bg/) and with the support of partners and management of Angel Kanchev University of Ruse (Bulgaria), all the universities in Uzbekistan were granted an access to a virtual library with materials in the field of innovative educational technologies.

It should be noted that starting from April 1, all educational institutions of Uzbekistan switched to distance learning, and this opportunity provided by HIEDTEC partners through a specially implemented platform https://t.me/eduuz_online has become an example of the effective dissemination of project results as well as a significant contribution to development of the distance learning in Uzbekistan.