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TAM seminar on “Perspectives and methods of organising joint master’s programmes in cooperation with European universities on double-degree basis; procedures for the development and implementation of joint educational programme”.

TAM seminar on “Perspectives and methods of organising joint master’s programmes in cooperation with European universities on double-degree basis; procedures for the development and implementation of joint educational programme”.

On 23-24 April, 2019 the regional TAM seminar was held at the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanisation Engineers (TIIAME). 
More than 130 people representing 55 higher education institutions from Tashkent and all country regions, line ministries, moreover 8 representatives of Kazakhstan HEIs and NEO participated in the event. State Inspection of Supervision of the quality of education and State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan,  and other stakeholder organisations took part in the seminar.
Welcoming remarks were made by the Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Prof. Uzoqboy Begimkulov, the Head of Political, Press and Information Section of EU Delegation Mr Jussi Narvi, and Vice-Rector of TIIAME Prof. Abduhakim Salohiddinov.
During two-day event Professor Francesco Girotti from Bologna University (Italy) shared his experience on  double-degree master’s programmes organisation, requirements and conditions for implementation and establishment of joint programmes and alternative ways of financing such programmes, management of joint educational programmes, ensuring and monitoring the quality of education in joint educational programmes.
The participants learnt the following issues of seminar agenda: 
  • Regulatory and legal bases for the creation and implementation of joint educational programmes of universities;
  • Criteria for the classification of the educational programme;
  • Forms and procedure for the implementation of joint educational programmes;
  • Management of joint educational programmes;
  • Evaluation of learning outcomes in the implementation of joint educational programmes.
More detailed information is provided in the materials  below (programme, press-release and reader), presentations on: http://www.erasmusplus.uz/heres/TAMs/TAM/index.htm.