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Training of MechaUZ project

Training of MechaUZ project

On January 20, 2021, online training on “Tender procedure for the supply of laboratory equipment” was organised for Uzbek partners of the MechaUz project. The training was organised through the Zoom platform.

Significant work has been done at the TUIT to establish an innovative laboratory and provide it with modern teaching equipment and the process has reached its final stages now. In the process of going through these stages, the project members of the university gained enough experience and shared their experiences within the framework of this training. 

The training provided detailed information on the organization and conduct of the tender in the following stages:
• Tender announcement
• Evaluation of proposals and conclusion of contracts
• Make payments
• Receipt of devices and documentation
• Customs clearance of devices
• Customs duties and documents
• Exemption from customs duties.