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Training sessions in the framework of Virtual Fair

Training sessions in the framework of Virtual Fair

During both days, will stream the plenary sessions + the 28 thematic sessions devoted to showcasing project results in Erasmus+ dedicated social media.

Please note that the Training sessions will not be streamed!!!
October 26, 2021 (First day)
12:00 - 13:00 CEST
Training on Dual Study Programmes / LaTFURE
Training on Plagiarism Detection / INTEGRITY
Training on Open Educational Resources /OPENMED

13:15 - 14:15 CEST
Training on Remote Labs I / VISIR+
Training on Internationalisation at Home I /WILLIAM
14:30 - 15:30 CEST
Training on Problem-Based Learning / PBLMD
Training on Internationalisation In Spanish & English / EULA-GTEC
Training on Digitalisation in Medical Studies / TAME
October 27, 2021 (Second day)
12:00 - 13:00 CEST
Training on Innovative Teaching Methods / PRINTeL
Training on Inclusive City Building / BReUCom
Training on Remote Labs II / e-LIVES

13:15 - 14:15 CEST
Training on Critical Learning in Public Health / Trans4m-PH
Training on Empowering Female Leadership / FREE
14:30 - 15:30 CEST
Training on Entrepreneurship Education / LISTO
Training on Innovative & Digital Teaching /CAP4CITY
Training on Woman Involvement in STEM / W-STEM
A specific Facebook page, devoted to the CBHE Fair, has been created, and also a devoted YouTube Channel /FB page.