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We congratulate Erasmus Mundus JMD 2019 scholarship winners!

We congratulate Erasmus Mundus JMD 2019 scholarship winners!

Today the newly selected Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees scholarship winners (they are 18 this year) talked about these and other useful tips during the Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) Meeting organised by the EU Delegation in Uzbekistan and the National Erasmus+ Office.

The 2019 winners were welcomed by Mr Francois Begeot, Head of Cooperation Section, EU Delegation in Uzbekistan and Ms Aziza Abdurakhmanova, Coordinator of National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan. After their warm congratulations, the participants were introduced with overall Erasmus+ programme and benefits for students. Ms Adiba Muminova, Country Representative of Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association in Uzbekistan presented networking, research and funding opportunities for EM students, and introduced organisations (such as Mundus Alumni Association, Erasmus Student Network and Erasmus+ Students and Alumni Alliance) supporting EM students during and after their studies.

During the second half of the day, practical tips and experience were provided by EM alumni, who have successfully graduated their Erasmus studies in and beyond Europe. Moreover, Mr Thomas Nadjar, French Embassy also provided helpful tips on visa issues and respecting cultural differences in other countries. The meeting was finished with the workshops, where the future Erasmus students discussed intercultural communication and learning in small groups and shared ideas.
This PDO meeting was essential for the EM students to set a network with each other and with alumni, as well as to successfully start their Erasmus mission in Europe.