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News and events


Jul 2018

Publication of HEREs - 2018

Publication of HEREs - 2018

  Национальная команда экспертов в области высшего образования (HEREs) Республики Узбекистан при поддержке Национального офиса Erasmus+ приглашает принять участие...


Jul 2018

Call for papers, NEO annual publication - 2018

Call for papers, NEO annual publication - 2018

National Erasmus+ Office is planning to publish the next publication “Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan (2018)” covering all completed and on-going Tempus IV (2007-2013) and Erasmus+ CBHE, ICM projects in Uzbekistan (www.erasmusplus.uz).


Jul 2018

 Erasmus+ will support the international activities in UzSUWL

Erasmus+ will support the international activities in UzSUWL

In a view of realisation of the recent Decrees on improving the higher education system and inviting foreign professors to read lectures in local HEIs, the Erasmus+ information seminar was organised on the initiative of the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages on 5 July...


Jul 2018

HEREs visit report, Montpellier (April 2018)

HEREs visit report, Montpellier (April 2018)

Report of the HERE Study Visit “Developing entrepreneurial skills: a new challenge for universities” that took place in Montpellier last April 2018.  


Jun 2018

Обновление данных об учебных программах на английском языке

Обновление данных об учебных программах на английском языке

В связи с предстоящим конкурсом в рамках программы Erasmus+ Национальным офисом Erasmus+ (NEO) начата подготовка материалов о системе высшего образования Узбекистана,...


Jun 2018

TAM seminar: student employability, 10-11 July 2018

TAM seminar: student employability, 10-11 July 2018

Welcome to “European experience of employment of graduates: Student support services for employability” seminar, which will take place in Fergana State University on 10-11 July 2018. 


Jun 2018

Announcement of the 2nd round for participation in the Erasmus+ Contact Seminar in Turkey

Announcement of the 2nd round for participation in the Erasmus+ Contact Seminar in Turkey

The National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) has been informed by the Directorate General of the European Commission for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture about the Erasmus+ Contact Seminar, targeting Central Asian Countries. The event  will take place on 8-9 October, in Istanbul, Turkey.


Jun 2018

Opportunities for higher education institutions, students and staff from partner countries outside the European Union

Opportunities for higher education institutions, students and staff from partner countries outside the European Union

 This brochure looks at the opportunities offered by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme to higher education institutions and their staff, researchers and students based in Erasmus+ partner countries outside the European Union.


May 2018

Erasmus+ Programme 2021/2027

Erasmus+ Programme 2021/2027

The European Commission has adopted a proposal to establish the future Erasmus programme 2021-2027