May 2018
Considering the effective impact of the Erasmus+ Week that had been initiated in September 2017, during 14-18 May 2018 the National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan repeated the format involving double more HEIs and other country regions. The events were mainly targeted to individual participants...
Jan 2018
As part of the Erasmus+ Information Campaign EACEA is organising a web-streamed info session on "How to successfully complete and finalise a project proposal" for the 2018 Call for proposals for Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education.
Jan 2018
The European Commission invites all citizens and organisations to respond to the public consultations on the priorities that should be reflected in the next Multiannual Financial Framework (post 2020). This consultation includes questions on current performance and future challenges of the...
Jan 2018
A video conference for potential E+ project applicants has been organised on 9 January 2018 at 14.00 in the premises of Head Scientific Methodological Centre. Participants from different regions of the country have joined via videoconferencing.
Jan 2018
Национальный офис Эразмус+ планирует проведение видео-конференции для представителей высших учебных заведений республики 9 января 2018 года в 14.00, в целях...
Jan 2018
26 декабря 2017 года состоялось церемония открытия лаборатории "Компьютерные системы в медицине" в Ташкентском университете информационных технологии...