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News and events


Dec 2017

Первая конференция по Кредитной мобильности

Первая конференция по Кредитной мобильности

6 декабря 2017 года состоялась Первая научно-практическая конференция «Международная кредитная мобильность: роль в повышении качества образования и научных...


Nov 2017

Мероприятия программы Erasmus+ в Самарканде 5-6 декабря 2017 года

Мероприятия программы Erasmus+ в Самарканде 5-6 декабря 2017 года

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в двух мероприятиях Erasmus+  на следующей неделе в г. Самарканде:  


Nov 2017

Erasmus+ Information Day in Tashkent

Erasmus+ Information Day in Tashkent

November 24, 2016 the Erasmus+ Information Day was held at the  Tashkent State University of Economics (TSUE).


Nov 2017

TAM seminar on “Learning outcomes: tools and approaches  for  improving qualification frameworks in the higher education system of Uzbekistan”

TAM seminar on “Learning outcomes: tools and approaches for improving qualification frameworks in the higher education system of Uzbekistan”

The first day of the seminar was held at the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies(TSIOS) on 14 November 2017. The round table was attended by 25 participants representing State Testing Centre, State Committee for Science and Technologies, staff of 5 HEIs and the National Team of...


Nov 2017

 Information seminar for Urgench and Nukus HEIs

Information seminar for Urgench and Nukus HEIs

4 November 2017 the Erasmus+ Information Seminar was held at Urgench State University for HEIs of Urgench and Nukus.   


Nov 2017

The list of national and regional priorities

The list of national and regional priorities

The list of the National and Regional priorities applying to CBHE Partner Countries and regions can be downloaded  here  


Nov 2017

Seminar for Jizzakh HEIs

Seminar for Jizzakh HEIs

On 31 October 2017 the Erasmus+ Information Seminar was held at Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute.   


Oct 2017

The Erasmus+ Call for 2018 has been published

The Erasmus+ Call for 2018 has been published

The next Call for Proposals to participate in the Erasmus+ programme on various directions was launched on 25 th  October, 2017  


Oct 2017

Erasmus+ seminar for Karshi HEIs

Erasmus+ seminar for Karshi HEIs

20 October 2017 the Erasmus+ Information Seminar was held at Karshi State University.