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Project Management Meetings in Nukus and Samarkand

Project Management Meetings in Nukus and Samarkand

Project Management Meetings with Tempus, CBHE and ICM projects members were held by NEO at Karakalpak and Samarkand State Universities on 14 February 2017.

The event at KKSU was attended by around 45 participants, including coordinators and members of Tempus/Erasmus+ CBHE and ICM projects, administrative and academic staff, students of 6 Karakalpak HEIs  and staff members of NEO.

In the case of Samarkand, about 70 representatives from 7 Samarkand HEIs and NEO took part in the meeting.    

The main objectives of holding the above mentioned regional meeting were:

  • To provide an opportunity for the exchange of information and experience among coordinators of the Tempus, Erasmus+ CBHE (Capacity Building in Higher Education) and International Credit Mobility (ICM) projects
  • To discuss burning issues of project management, developing a project team, the importance of information activities and ensuring transparency in the selection of participants for training activities in the European universities
  • To present the best practices of effective project management
  • To introduce «Guidelines for the local coordinators of Erasmus+ CBHE and ICM projects»

During the visits, field monitoring meetings were oraginised with project team members of the Erasmus+ ECAP “Enhancing Competencies of Central Asian Universities in Agricultural Policy focused on Environmental Protection & Land Management” and International Credit Mobility in both universities.


Presentations of the Tempus, Erasmus+ CBHE and ICM projects as well as on the effective project management could be found below: 


Presentation on the "Enhancing Competencies of Central Asian Universities in Agricultural Policy focused on Environmental Protection & Land Management – ECAP" project 

Presentation of Samarkand Agriculture Institute on ICM project 

Presentation on the "Enhancing the quality of doctoral education at Higher Education Institutions in Uzbekistan – UZDOC" project

Presentation on the effective project management