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Technical Assistance Missions in Uzbekistan

Technical Assistance Missions in Uzbekistan






11-12 November 2016


 Technical Assistance Missions (TAM) 



Seminar: Perspectives of E-learning and ICT based education: applicability of best practices in Uzbek Higher Education Institutions

Within the past few years the term “e-learning” widely applied in teaching process through using the Internet and Intranet. Electronic learning is a broad concept which used in education based on information technologies. Widely usage of E-learning and provision the infrastructure for it leads to increase the quality in education. This issue is considered one of the top priorities in developing the higher education in Uzbekistan. Therefore Erasmus+ National Office in Uzbekistan organizes the above titled seminar in order to deliver the best practices of E-learning and ICT based education to the wide range of representatives of higher educational institutions in Uzbekistan. This seminar mainly focuses on to give opportunites for participants to understand the E-leaning advanced experiences and methods which are successfully used the in European universities and also E-learning fields such as Blended learning, MOOC and others. Moreover, in this seminar, the relevant completed and ongoing joint projects in Uzbekistan higher educational institutions will be overviewed and pedagogical aspects will be explained. The two days seminar will give valuable opportunities for partcipants to exchange new ideas, to discuss the concerned questions, to establish networks in order to develop the new project proposals for Erasmus+ programme.  

What are TAM?

Technical Assistance Missions (TAM) are part of the HERE activities, managed by the SPHERE (Support and Promotion for Higher Education Reform Experts) team, a consortium consisting of the University of Barcelona (UB) and the European University Association (EUA) and acting as service provider for the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA).

Objectives of the Seminar

  •  To provide seminar participants with best practices, advanced pedagogical skills, features of using the         E-learning and ICT based education in European higher educational institutions;
  • To provide platform of exchange ideas and views  for between European expert and seminar participants about the related issues and challenges;    
  • To create opportunities for widening the collaboration and work together in new project proposals related to seminar's topic.

Participants and venue

Participants: representatives of academic and administrative staff of all HEIs of Uzbekistan, MHSSE and Centers under MHSSE representatives, National team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs).

Venue: Uzbek State World Languages University, Tashkent-100000, Uch-Tepa district, Kichik halka street, 21 A, Tel. +998 71 2755557; www.uzswlu.uz


Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialised Education (MHSSE) of the Republic of Uzbekistan (website:

www.edu.uz), National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan (website: www.erasmusplus.uz), Uzbek State World Languages University (UzSWLU).


Overview of current trends in e-learning and institutional strategies in European Higher Education 

Successful universities using e-learning tools in Europe and the case of UZH

Successful universities using e-learning tools: From blended to distance learning

Blended learning, online course delivery and MOOC



The role of ICT in learning & teaching

Pedagogical aspects of E-learning and its fulfillment approach for improving the teaching quality

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